
Royalty-Free License Terms

By using and purchasing images from, you agree to the following Royalty-Free (RF) License terms:

  1. License Grant:

    • When you purchase an image from, you are granted a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide license to use the image an unlimited number of times for permitted uses.
  2. Permitted Uses:

    • The RF license allows you to use the images in various media, including but not limited to websites, social media, advertising, marketing materials, presentations, publications, and personal projects.
  3. Restrictions:

    • You may not resell, redistribute, or transfer the image as a standalone file or as part of any product where the image is the primary value.
    • You may not use the image in any way that is defamatory, pornographic, or otherwise unlawful.
  4. Modifications:

    • You may modify the images to fit your needs, including cropping, resizing, or color adjustments. However, the modified image remains subject to the terms of this license.
  5. Ownership:

    • All images remain the property of the original creator. Purchasing an RF license does not transfer ownership but grants the right to use the image under the specified terms.
  6. Attribution:

    • Attribution is not required, but it is appreciated when possible, especially when used in editorial or non-commercial projects.
  7. Termination:

    • reserves the right to terminate or modify the license if the terms are violated or if the image is used in an unauthorized manner.
  8. Liability:

    • and the image creators are not liable for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use the images.

By purchasing and using images from, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with these Royalty-Free License Terms.